
Limited Warranty
Sunnecko.com offers 1-year warranty for its products. This warranty applies only to products that were purchased from sunnecko.com, unless otherwise prohibited by law. Sunnecko reserves the right to reject warranty claims from purchasers for products not purchased from sunnecko.com. This warranty does not cover any defects due to normal wear and tear, damage due to misuse or abuse, alteration to the product, negligence, or any damage resulting from use other than the intended purpose of the item.

If your Sunnecko product is defective and is eligible for this limited warranty, Sunnecko will replace your product.

Please allow 12 weeks for the inspection process and return delivery of your product.

How to Submit a Warranty Claim
Purchasers of products who wish to make a warranty claim based upon a product defect should return the product from which the product was purchased. Please make sure to submit request first. We'll send you an instruction email after your request is accepted. Please enclose a letter that includes the following information with your returned product:
Your full name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Order number.
Order date.
Defective product.
A brief description of how your product is defective.
Note: You should NOT mail in your product if it was not purchased from sunnecko.com are not covered by this warranty.

Addtional Information
There are no warranties which extend beyond those stated herein. Any implied warranties that may be applicable to products, including implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration to the duration of this warranty.